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Similiar to the EPM8, but with budgetary concerns in mind. This power meter is for the low end market. Cheaper unit for promitional sales Specifications: -
Broad Frequency Range 300MHz to 2.6Ghz useful
detection range
- Super wide dynamic range 55dB - High sensitivity -50dBm to 0dBm (46mV/m to 14.8V/m) - Peak power density measurement 5.8uW/m-sq to 0.58W/m-sq - 8 super bright LED lights to display power density level -Continuous wave (AM/FM) and high speed burst RF (GSM, TDMA, PCS, CDMA, Wi-Fi) -Accurate, easy to use device, excellent for personal exposure evaluation -Living environment exposure such as Mobile phone base station antennas -Small, compact handheld dsign, 60x95x25mm -Battery operated (9V DC) Applications:
The look of EPM6, is very simlar to EPM8, however this unit is slightly smaller with some change in specifications. Good for gift or promotional markets! |
EPM8 (no longer
-Broad frequency range (600MHz to 2.5GHz) -Super wide dynamic range 60dB -High sensitivity -55dBm to 0dBm (25mV/m to 14.8V/m) -Peak power density measurement 1.5uW/m-sq to 0.58W/m-sq -9 super bright LED lights to display power density level -Continuous wave (AM/FM) and high speed burst RF (GSM, TDMA, PCS, CDMA, Wi-Fi) -Accurate, easy to use device, excellent for personal exposure evaluation -Living environment exposure such as Mobile phone base station antennas -Small, compact handheld dsign, 60mmx100mm -Battery operated (9V DC) Minimum order 500-1000 pieces |
and Network Solutions
FEATURES: Minimum order 100pcs |
EPM25G Power
Meter Applications:
frequency LF Magnetic field
(Gauss meter function) -
Mobile phone
base station antenna radiation power density
measurement -
communication applications (AM/FM, TDMA, GSM,
RF power
measurement for transmitters -
Wireless LAN
(Wi-Fi), Bluetooth, Ultra-wide-band
detection, installation, optimization -
Spy camera,
wireless bug finder -
Cellular/Cordless phone radiation safety level
measurement -
AC power
line, High voltage tower, power Transformer,
motors and small appliance EMF -
oven leakage detection - Personal living
environment EMF safety
evaluation Has the same look as
WiMsA24 and EO14SA-RF
models FOB, Minimum order 100pcs |
WiFi Spectrum Analyzer for 2.4GHz Band Triban WiFi/Max Spectrum Analyzer, 2.3GHz, 2.4HGz, and 2.5GHz bands Unique hand held digital LCD graphics display spectrum analyzer for 2.4GHz band wireless sytems, such as WiFi, WLAN, Bluetooth, Security system, cordless phones, Zigbee.. Minimum order 100pcs |
RF Electrosmog field strength power meter (100Mhz-3Ghz) with build-in 2.4GHz band Spectrum Analyzer! Ultimate tool for both RF field strength measurement and Spectrum Analysis: -Broadband(100MHz-3GHz) RF field strength power measurement: WiMAX, GSM, EMF, WiFi - Frequency spectrum analysis for 2.4GHz band Wireless systems: WiFi WLAN, Bluetooth, Security system, DECT, cordless phones, Zigbee.... Minimum order 100pcs |